Poto dulu sebelum pergi ke UMY, di depan hotel Wisanti

Ne dia hotel Wisanti tempet kita nginep di daerah Bantul, Hotelnya asik koq

Ini dia LO qta

The committees!!!

Baju putih paling kanan: Uphie from ITB, sempet training qta

Pose for the Photo!

Lagi nyante nih!

BSM B : Gina, Kak Firman, Poppy (Kiri ke kanan)

BSM A : Kak Alfan, kak Suci, Kak Fendy (Kiri kek kanan)

IVED Jogja 2009

Choirnya UMY, katanya pernah tampil di depan SBY
Masih di opening ceremony. Pamerin apaan sih kak fendy???

IVED Jogja 2009

We're at Opening Ceremony

IVED Jogja 2009

Debate exhibition pas adju accreditation test, yang lagi ngomong, lieke dari ATMA
Rame bgt!

Di area kampus UMY. BTW gede bgt lho!

Inside debater's hall. Serius amat buk?

Mesjid di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Baru aja nyampe UMY!

Lagi nunggu kereta Taksaka buat berangkat ke Yogya

IVED Jogja 2009

Ki-ka: Fendy (Big boss), Suci (Rihanna), Alfan (Cuex), Gw (Keren), Firman (Casual), Poppy (Kitty), Gina (blow up)

Share the Photos!!!

Hi every one!!
I've just started to think that you all must like seeing photos.
That's why I want to share the pics of my events -nice, shit, happy, interesting, weird, unique, fun, everything - to you all.
So, just take a glance!!!!
Hope you all enjoy it!